Filipina Cosplayer
  • Fall Kimono Photo Shoot

    Fall Kimono

    It was fall, and I hope we were able to catch the beauty of this season in the stills. We went to Cochrane Memorial Park in the city of Yelm, with the ducks still in the midst of migrating. We were hoping to catch some of them on camera. I found it very surreal to see the very colorful assortment of leaves as they fell on the ground while we went about our work. You could see pathways lined with the leaves, like delightful Persian carpets.

    For this kimono photo shoot, it took me a lot more time to do my hair and put on my kimono than it did to actually take the photos. LOL. The kimono set and the fan were provided by Mr. Archimedes Gavina Belardo, shipped from the Philippines to my house here in the United States. Considering the long journey this set made — it actually started its journey all the way from Japan — I thought it would only be fitting if I tried my best to give it a good photo shoot. With the colors of this one, I thought it would be nice to use for the season of fall. It was my very first fall in my two years of residence in this country, because I usually spend this time of year in the Philippines. 😛 Without further ado, here is my fall kimono photoset. Hope you guys like it.^_^

    January 31st, 2012

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